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BIM Modeling of Gas Power Plants

3D graphic processing by Revit software of thermal power plants in Emilia-Romagna

09 December 2022
Laser scanner surveys have been developed, through the software Revit was performed a parametric modeling of existing piping and plant, as well as integrating projects for the execution of variants in the course of work to the plants themselves.

The purpose of the assignment was to provide assistance that generated timely and elaborate checks useful to the structural works management to obtain information on the correct installation and any discrepancies caused during the installation.

  • Project: Surveying in the thermal power plant
  • Client: Direct enterprise
  • Place: Emilia-Romagna

For the elaboration of the work the programs were used:

  • Cyclone LeicaGeosystems
  • 3DR Hexagon
  • Revit 2021