Innovative Surveyors who make a difference by enabling safety on site


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Roadway monitoring

Geomatic Engineering by innovative methodologies and technologies.

We carry out surveys of the failures present on the road based on their geographical position, gravity and extent of the damage.
We survey road arcs and document photographically according to the type and severity of the instability present, in order to give feedback to the client in identifying and circumscribing the areas on which to plan maintenance interventions or reconstructions of different nature.
We classify the degradation of paving in landslides / repairs, superficial instability and structural instability, based on the degradation and instability noted (patches, slipperiness of the surface, deformation of the coating, holes, corrugations, depressions, cracks, etc.).
Ultimately, our service performs georeferencing of images and results on the Gis and WebGis platforms. The innovation concerns the possibility of integrating and comparing historical data with temporal precision and comfortably with private access from the Web.

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